Saturday, October 06, 2007

Fog, Smog and Tired as a Dog!

Whew! Made it safely to Munich, Germany, and landed after just about 8 hours and 15 minutes after a pleasant flight. The attendants were pleasant, it was a relatively new plane, they kept it clean, and there was a minimum of turbulence. I even had an aisle seat, and sat next to a sweet older lady who is on her way to Athens for a fun vacation. Upon arrival, Munich was about 60 degrees, foggy, smoggy, and smelled a bit like Chicago on a day when the sewer gas creeps up through the grates on the street. It’s about 5 a.m. local time here (which is just after midnight for you folks there at home), and I was able to get a quick call home to Sami to let her know I touched down okay. I didn’t sleep much on the plane and now am pretty tired, but still have a 5 hour layover here, and then a 2 hour flight to Krakow. I’ll see what I can do to pass the time, but expect that blogging and couple of work projects will keep me busy. I also seriously need to find some power as my Belerophon (my laptop) is thirsty for some juice, and I ran my iPod dry on the flight as well.

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