Saturday, October 06, 2007

About That "Retributive Justice" Question, Professor?

This is the gallows where Rudolph Hess was hung for war-crimes in, I think it was, 1947. As he masterminded the entire “Final Solution” extermination plan, built and orchestrated Auschwitz, and oversaw the many other SS run camps, it was rather fitting that he meet his end only 10 yards from the gas chamber and crematorium at camp I. The whole “retributive vs. rehabilitative” justice question is a big one and a hot topic, to be sure, but for my part, I didn’t weep for Hess here. Retributive or not, the silent screams of 11.4 million people who perished at Hess’ hands (1.4 million at Auschwitz alone) counter and silence the argument without objection in my mind.

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