Monday, October 16, 2006

Why I Hate My Dog!

Okay, so the other day i noticed that there was this nifty rash starting to form on my forehead. I couldn't figure out what it was until i recognized the unmistakable blistering of Poison Ivy. Lovely.

When we finally tracked down the "culprit", we figured that Mina (our completely worthless Dachshund) must have rubbed against some Poison Ivy (Sami scouted earlier this summer and uprooted all that she could find) and then promptly come inside and "nested" on some of my clothes - which she likes to do. I then inadvertently put said clothes on, and as nearly as i can tell (and based on the online research that we did) rubbed against the plant oil in the process.

I tried to cover the nify "Mikhail Gorbachev" imitation for a couple of days with my Chicago White Sox hat, only to find that it rubbed the Ivy raw, thus causing a lovely secondary infection, which i have been treating with Neosporin. To date, most of the conversations i've had with people at work or in various places has begun with, "Dude... what did you do to your head?", and consisted of frequently wandering stares to my forehead, which i pretend not to notice.

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