Sunday, July 02, 2006

Rugged AND Advanced...

We went to Potato Creek State Park today for a fun jaunt through the trails, and ended up taking the "non-wussy" paths just so that we could feel like Lewis and Clark...or something. To commemorate, we had Elijah stand next to one of the trail signs, which not only indicate the type of trail we took, but the fact that he is indeed attempting to be both "rugged" and, in many ways, "advanced" as well. :-):

We took some periodic rests as well, and while Elijah bounded alongside us (talking non-stop the entire time), Peri rode in the "jog stroller" while we huffed and puffed along. Whenever we would stop, she would hang out on mommy or gather things from the forest floor for a quick "ooh" and "ahh" from the rest of us.

We also saw some fun "wildlife" along the way, including a little turtle that had burrowed its way into a little hole by the side of one of the paths, several millipedes, some micro-frogs that hopped quickly out of the way when we approached, and also heard what we called "violin birds" that made the most interesting warble i've ever heard (though we never saw them).

We also were able to experience firsthand what it feels like to be caught in a torrential downpour and to have NO way to getting back to our car in any kind of time to avoid it, so added being absolutely drenched to our list of accomplishments for the day.

At one particular point of the journey, we also had to traverse a long set of very narrow wooden stairs, which Peri enjoyed immensely because we left her IN the jog-stroller while we climbed. While we wondered if she might have lost any IQ points from all the jostling, she was giggling and happy, which we took as a worthwhile trade-off.

All in all, and while we were pretty tired at the end of it, we would say that it was a VERY good day, and we're planning on going back tomorrow, loaded with hot dogs and marshmallows to grill.

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