Thursday, November 17, 2005

Our Budding Little Jedi Padiwans...

The other day, we had some friends over for the day (Elihu and Zion Carlstrom... children of our dear friends Blair and Tracy). Elihu is 7, and Zion is 10, and Elijah and Peri just adore both of them. Upon sending them outside to play for a bit in the afternoon, Sami caught Elijah, Peri and Elihu battling intensely with lightsabers and having a blast in the process. Interestingly, Peri actually held her own quite well, even against the two of them at varying points, although both boys were graciously chivalric in their allowing her to get some good hits on each of them. Elijah and Elihu as well play very well together and genuinely enjoy each others company.

At this point, we're quite sure that each will not only succeed in their applications for entry to the Jedi Temple for training as true Padiwan learners, and we will be quite proud of them as they proceed through the ranks until they achieve the level of Jedi Master!

No Sith, Separatist or other evildoer will stand a chance! We were thinking that their Jedi names could be Hokey-fun ThePokey and perhaps Veji Organic.

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